Thursday, 21 June 2012

Uno, Dos, Tre!

So, this week has been pretty busy for news. Yesterday, an interview with the boys from the Rolling Stone was released, in which Billie spoke about the three albums. He mentioned that there will be 36 songs spread across the trilogy (which means 12 songs per album) and he gave a general description of the albums:

"The first one is power pop. The second is more garage-y, Nuggets-type rock. And the third, is supposed to be epic. With the first album, you're getting in the mood to party. On iDos!, You're at the party. And the third're cleaning up the mess!"

This interview has made us aware of a number of tracks that will appear on the albums: Carpe Diem, Amy, It's Fuck Time and Stay The Night (which we already knew about) then there are X Kid which was written about a close friend of Billie's who committed suicide two years ago. There is also Forgotten, Brutal Love - which is said to be the opening track for iTre! - and 99 Revolutions. It looks like they are ready to unleash what promises to be a monster of a trilogy, and judging from the numerous Facebook and twitter posts it seems that the fans are well and truly ready too.

As if all of that wasn't enough, the album artwork for iDos! was also released:

Same style as iUno! only this time with Mike on the cover. As with iUno!, a thirty second trailer was released showing more footage from the studio and from the secret shows at the end of last year. The music in the background this time was the instrumental for It's Fuck Time.

I have to say, it's sounding amazing! It's hard to believe that it is the same band. The guitar riffs are out of this world, displaying the talents of Billie Joe and Jason White. It was originally meant for their side project, Foxboro Hot Tubs, but i think with the amount they have played it live it HAS to be a Green Day song. I was pleasantly surprised that it made it onto an album!

You can watch the trailer below:

I'm hoping that next week sees the release of iTre! but i can just feel that something amazing is going to happen soon. I hope I'm right!

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